Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs
Policy on Natural Areas

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Adopted November 1998

1.0 Definitions: For the purposes of this Policy;

1.1 Biological Diversity (Biodiversity): The variety of life forms, the different plants, animals and microorganisms, the genes they contain and the ecosystems they form. This is usually considered on three levels: genetic diversity; species diversity and ecosystem diversity (NSW draft Biodiversity Strategy Feb 1997).

1.2 Ecological Objectives: Criteria (in the case of management decisions) which at their core are concerned with sustaining and protecting ecological values.

1.3 Long Distance Walking Track: An identified, publicised and officially recognised route intended to allow recreational walking between points of greater than one day or weekend’s travel apart. May feature signage, construction works, intermediate track head points and designated camping sites.

1.4 National Park Estate: Areas gazetted or declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act (1967 and 74) and/or Wilderness Act (1987); and areas acquired by the National Parks and Wildlife Service and awaiting formal gazettal. Includes National Parks, Nature Reserves, Wilderness Areas, State Recreation Areas, Regional Parks and other natural or cultural sites reserved under the NP&W Act.

1.5 Natural Area: Any area with predominantly intact native indigenous vegetation cover and containing suitable habitat for its dependent fauna.

1.6 Precautionary Principle: Provided with limited information or uncertainty, to only take decisions which do not foreclose on future options for the effective protection of natural values present.

1.7 Protected Area: Recognised term for for lands reserved either in the National Park Estate, Crown Reserves, Flora Reserves or Forest Preserves in State Forests, Special Water Catchment areas and freehold title lands under a Voluntary Conservation Agreement (VCA). Private or Commercial wildlife sanctuaries are not considered to fit this definition, as their long term tenure and landuse is uncertain. Neither, due to the same limitations, are freehold lands presently zoned by local Government for nature conservation (unless subject to a VCA).

1.8 Public Reserve: A subset of Protected Area including only those which are publicly owned.

1.9 Special Water Catchment: Areas within the hydrological catchment of a water storage which are zoned for protection of drinking or potable water, by acting as a natural buffer around the storage.

1.10 Wilderness Area: An area of land that is, or is capable of restoration to be, of sufficient size to enable long term protection of its natural systems and biodiversity; that is substantially undisturbed by modern technological society, and largely remote from points of mechanised access and other evidence of colonial or modern society. Includes, but not limited to, areas identified, declared or assessed as wilderness capable under the NSW Wilderness Act (1987).


2.0 Objectives: For Responsible bodies -

2.1 To protect, rehabilitate and manage natural areas to ensure the long term sustainability of their native biodiversity.

2.2 To provide a range of opportunities for self reliant recreation in natural areas.

2.3 To encourage activities by land managers and all visitors/users of natural areas to conform to Confederation’s policies.


3.0 Values:

High value is given to: